Members -- 3 appointed by the Legislature.
Legislative History: [underlined]
P. & S. L. 1851, c. 455. R. 1852, c. 482.
34.18 -- Agent to Repair the State Prison. [underlined] Created by R. 1851, c. 376.
Duties -- expend under the advice and direction of the Inspectors the State Prison the appropriations for repairing the State Prison buildings at Thomaston.
Additional information -- appointed by the Governor and the Council.
Legislative History: [underlined]
R. 1851, c. 376. R. 1852, c. 385.
34.19 -- Agent to Investigate the Affairs of the State Prison. [underlined] Created by R. 1858, c. 189.
Duties -- examine the system of disbursements, labor, and discipline at the State Prison in comparison to the other states to determine the necessary changes to render the prison self-supporting.
Additional information -- appointed by the Governor.
Legislative History: [underlined]
R. 1858, c. 189.
34.20 -- Commission to Consider the Enlargement and Reconstruction of the State Prison. [underlined] Created by R. 1859, c. 270.
Duties -- determine whether or not it would be more expedient and economical to enlarge the present State Prison or build a new prison in another locality; also report any necessary changes in internal economy and management of the prison.
Members -- 3 appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Council.
Legislative History: [underlined]
R. 1859, c. 270. R. 1860, c. 325.
34.21 -- Bath Military and Naval Orphan Asylum. [underlined[ Created by P. & S. L.