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301 providing for the Publishing the Laws of the State - and the Question on so reconsidering, was taken by yeas and Nays and decided in the negative, as follows Yeas 43 Nays 86 - (See appendix page ).

The Committee on Engrossed Bills report as duly Engrossed Resolve - in favor of George Sawtell - in favor of Daniel Libbey - in favor of the Westbrook Seminary - laying a Tax on the several Counties in the State - providing for building a Bridge in the Town of Brownville which were severally, finally passed. Sent up.

The same Committee report as duly Engrossed - Bill - Additional, regulating Elections - to regulate the survey of Lumber in the County of Penobscot - to incorporate the Readfield Cotton and Woollen Manufacturing Company - authorizing the Sale of Trees and Timber standing upon the lands of Minors - additional to an Act for the encouragement of Agriculture, Horticulture and Manufactures - additional for the preservation of Fish in Penobscot Bay and River and the several Streams emptying into the same. - additional to an Act authorizing the Sale of the School lands in the Town of New Gloucester, to raise a fund for the support of Schools in said Town and for appointing Trustees for those purposes. which were passed to be enacted - sent up.

Bill - to organize and govern the Militia - came from the Senate - they having adopted the amendments of the House, further amended the same and passed it to be engrossed as thus