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312 Ordered, that when this House adjourn, it adjourn until Monday morning next at 1/2 past six o'clock.

Resolve - relative to a Lottery, heretofore granted to encourage Steam Navigation in this State - was read a third Time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate sent up.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills, report as duly engrossed Bill - to change the name of Salvina Pease. - additional to organize, govern and discipline the Militia of this State which were finally passed to be enacted sent up.

The same Committee report as duly reEngrossed Bill - relative to the Inspection of Lime and of Barrels and Casks - which was passed to be enacted - sent up.

The same Committee report as duly engrossed Resolve - in favor of Abraham Osgood. - in favor of Daniel Savage and others. - for Printing and distributing the Militia Laws - authorising the sale of Land in the Town of Lincoln - for the Benefit a Asa Redington Junr. which were severally finally Passed - sent up.

Resolve on the Pay roll of the Senate - was read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up

Bill - additional regulating Elections - came from the Senate, they having amended the Bill and passed the same to be engrossed as thus amended - The House receded from their former vote, so far as to adopt the amendment of the Senate and passed the same to be engrossed as thus amended sent up.

Bill - to empower the Town of Augusta, to raise money for