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that by the contemplated negotiations this question may be finally settled without involving the peace of the nation, and in a manner that shall be consistent with the constitutional rights of this State. In pursuance of the Resolve of the last Legislature, Commissioners were appointed to meet and confer with those appointed by the President for the purpose of agreeing upon a preliminary arrangement towards effecting, if possible an amicable settlement of this long standing dispute on terms that might be mutually satisfactory. A report of their proceedings has not yet been received, but I am informed that it may be expected in the course of the present session to be communicated to the Legislature, to whom by the Resolution it is required to be submitted for approval or rejection. There is also pending before the General Government the claim of this State in common with Massachusetts for the balance of the principal and the interest due for the services of the Militia during the last war. To the payment of the interest on the amount already allowed and paid, it is believed there can be no possible objection. It will belong to our Senators and Representatives in Congress to urge upon the attention of the General Government the speedy allowance of this claim and when separated from other subjects with which it has no connexion, it cannot be doubted that the amount of interest (of which Maine's proportion is