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Friday January 10th, 1834

Met according to adjournment -

Bill - providing for the limitation of certain Actions - was read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, in concurrence with the Senate - sent up -

Message from the Governor -

To the Senate and House of Representatives I have received a communication from the President of the United States, through the Secretary of War - requesting this State to cede jurisdiction to the United States over the Arsenal in the town of Augusta - In compliance with the request therein contained, I lay the same before the two branches of the Legislature for their consideration -

Council Chamber Jany. 9. 1934 } Robert P. Dunlap.

Which Message came from the Senate for concurrence referred with the accompanying communication to the committee on the Judiciary - and the House concurred - sent up -

Bill to increase the capital stock of the Maine Bank - was read a third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up -

Petition of George Brooks for a pension, was read and referred to the Committee on Military Pensions in concurrence with the Senate - sent up -

On motion of Mr. Hegan of Prospect - Ordered that the joint standing Committee on Interior Fisheries be instructed to enquire into the expediency of