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Petition of Benjamin Snow & others for aid in the erection of a Gun House in Eastport were read & referred to the Committee on the Militia. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Inhabitants of Brunswick Village for a law to enable themselves to protect themselves against damage by fire — was read & referred to Messrs. Stone of Brunswick, Holmes of Alfred, Gordan of Belfast, Allen of Bangor & Hamlen of Hampden.

Petition of the Bank of Cumberland for an increase of capital. — Jonathan Farrar & others for a Bank in Bangor were severally read & referred in concurrence with the Senate.

Petition of Cyrus W. Foster & others to be incorporated by the name of the East Machias Sluice Company was read & referred in concurrence with the Senate to the Committee on Interior Waters.

Mr. Hamlin of Hampden moved the following order, Ordered, That _____ be a committee with such as the Senate may join to contract with some suitable person to draft the Bills & Resolves of the present Legislature - which was read and considered, and passage refused. The question was taken by yeas & nays and decided as follows Yeas 142 Nays 37 [See appendix page 21.]

The Committee on Elections to whom was referred the Certificates of Elections of members report that they have attended to the duty assigned them; and that the persons whose names are borne on the accompanying list marked A are duly elected & returned as members of this House and entitled to hold their