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60. Friday January 15 1836

Met according to adjournment.

Petition of Pearl Martin and others for the abolition of Capital Punishment was referred in concurrence with the Senate to the Committee on so much of the Governors Message as relates to that subject.

Petition of Mason Greenwood & others for a Bank at Portland __ was read & referred in concurrence with the Senate to the Committee on Banks & Banking __

Petition of John Strout & others referred in this House on the 12th inst, came back from the Senate referred to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns and the House concurred.

A communication was received from the Adjutant General transmitting the doings of Courts Martial held during the past year, which was read & referred to the Committee on Accounts. Sent up for concurrence.

Mr. Smith of Westbrook from the Committee to which the subject was referred __ reported Bill __ An additional Act respecting Manufacturing Companies, which was read 1st & 2 time & tomorrow at 11 oclock assigned for a 3d reading.

Petition of George Jewett & others to be incorporated for the purpose of cleaning out Musquash Stream was read and referred to the Committee on Interior Waters. Sent up for concurrence.