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Officer present may direct.

Provision having been made by the late law of the the Commonwealth, that each soldier shall be furnished with a quarter of a pound of powder, at the expense of the town or district in which he resides, to be used at regimental musters; it is expected that each noncomissioned officer and private will be provided with ten blank cartridges, to be used in regular firings on the day of review.

The ceremony of receiving the colours will be particularly attended to, and executed int he manner heretofore prescribed. -- And, in order to allow as much time as possible for military instruction, it is expected that the commanding officers of companies will have their several inspection rolls complete, before they form on the parade.

The Commandants of Regiments will cause these orders, with such others as they may think poper to subjoin, together with the inspection rolls accompanying them, to be regularly & reasonably transmitted to the commanding officers of companies, who will be responsible for the punctual appearance of every effective soldier, armed and equipped in the best possible military manner.

By order of B. Gen. Sewall, S. Howard, B. Major.

Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade, 8. Division, Augusta, October 17. 1800.