Report of Court. on the Pet. of the Females of Brunswick and other towns, and others, relative to the traffic in ardent spirits - 326. 331. -"--"--"- relative to the election of William Noyes, 328 - -"--"--"- relative to fees received by Clerks of Courts, -"--"--"- relative to Salaries of County Treasurers, 331. -"--"--"- respecting the License Law - 331. -"- of Bank Commissioners, 143. -"- of Charles Jarvis, agt. of the U.S.M. Hill Road, 143.
Allen Jonathan &als. 58. -"- Samuel &als. 69- Bremen, town of, 52. Butterfield Abraham 54. Blue hill, inhabitants of, 57. Bremen Town of, 62. 71. Baxter Elisha &als. 103- Billings, Saml 116. Bridgton, town of, 128. Brooksville - 148. Badgen Joseph & als. 157. Cushman Gideon &als. 127. Comt. of Pownal. 128. Cobb Allen H. &als. 128. Castine, 148. Durgin Samuel &als, 36. Dutton, town of, 45. 77. Durgan Michael &als. 72. Dickinson Levi &als. 87. Danville, town of, 128. Downes Nathl. &als. 166. Dunlap David & als. 169. Eveleth John &als. 65.
Fowler Davis & als. 128. George THomas, 161. Haskell John & als. 40. Inhabitants of Jackson, 43. -"- of No.9 Sone. Co. 61. -"- of Wales, 128. -"- of Castine, & als, 141. 148. Ingalls Theodore & als, 128. Littlefield Nathe. S. &als. 128. Morrison Samuel &als. 128. Manchester John Jr. 18. Mervill Daniel, &als. 58. Morgan Daniel Jr. &als. 58. Marshall Alfred, & als. 153. Nutter Ichabod &als. 93. Newhall Albert &als. 103. Mollen Prentiss &c als. 180. Selectmen of Frankfort, 28. 81. 92, -"- of Montville, 36. -"- of Sullivan, 57 - Smiley L.M. &als. 111. Strout Nathaniel, &als. 157. Ramsdell Charles &als. 97.