The same committee reported as truly engrossed Resolve in favor of John Bent which was finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to settle certain Claims for public Lands was read twice & passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
Resolve in favor of Samuel Moulton, was read once and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a 2d reading.
Resolve for the erection of a gunhouse in Norridgewock was read once and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a second reading.
Resolve in favor of Abner B Thompson, came from the Senate indefinitely postponed concurrence and the House concurred.
Resolve authorizing the Secretary of State to furnish the Adjutant General with Greenleafs and Fairfields Reports was read once and tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a 2d reading.
Resolve relating to the publication of special or private acts and of Resolves, was read once & tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a 2d reading.
Resolve in favor of James M Jackman & others was read a 2d time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve making appropriations for certain military purposes, was read once and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a 2d reading.
Resolve for the repair of the Gun house in Wiscasset