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that the whole number of ballots given in was One hundred and seventy three - necessary to constitute an election eighty seven - Thomas Davee had one hundred & eight - Eliakim Scammon had sixty - John D McCrate had two - Timothy Boutelle had one - James L. Child had one and Blank had one and Thomas Davee of Blanchard was declared elected, and being present signified his acceptance and took the Chair.

Mr. Cilley of Thomaston was charged with a message to the Senate to inform them of the organization of the House by the election of Thomas Davee, Speaker and James L. Child Clerk.

Mr. Scammon was charged with a similar message to the Governor.

A message was received from the Senate informing the House of their organization by the choice of Josiah Pierce as President and William Trafton as Secretary.

On motion by Mr.Lowell of East Machias, Ordered, That the Rules & Orders of the House of last year, be the rules and orders for the government of the House until others shall be adopted, and that a committee be appointed to draft rules and orders and to report the names of the members with the places of their residence and the number of their seats - and Mr Lowell of East Machias, Potter of Augusta and Emerson of Calais were appointed on said Committee.