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Friday January 9, 1835

Met according to adjournment.

Moses Shaw - Representative elect from the town of Wiscasset, appeared, presented his credentials, was qualified and took his seat as a member of this House.

Remonstrance of John Manchester Junr one of the Selectmen of Mt Desert, against the right of John Bunker to hold a seat as a member of this House, was read and referred to the Committee on Elections.

An order came from the Senate appointing Messrs Clark, Prescott, & Fish with such as the House may join a Committee to wait on Robert P Dunlap and inform him that he has been elected by the People, Governor of the State of Maine for the current political year; and that the two Houses of the Legislature are ready to convene in the Representatives Hall, that in their presence he may take and subscribe the oaths of office required by the Constitution, and the House concurred and Messrs McCrate of Nobleboro', Holmes of Alfred, Perkins of Kennebunkport, Greely of Portland & Bolster of Rumford were joined.

The Committee appointed to wait on Robert P Dunlap Governor elect & notify him of his election &c &c reported that they had attended to the duties assigned them, and that the Governor answered that he would accept the office, & meet the two Houses and take and subscribe the qualifying oaths whenever they should convene in the Representatives Hall for that purpose.