Monday, February, 17, 1834.
Bill additional to provide for the packing and inspection of pickled and smoked fish, came up from the House, recommitted, read once, and recommitted in concurrence.
Mr. Cobb from the Committee on Parishes, to which were referred an order respecting the sale of old Meeting houses, and an order respecting Meeting house lots reverting to original owners, made a report asking to be discharged from their further consideration, and that said orders, respectively be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Report on petition of Penobscot Mill Dam Company, and accompanying Bills, together with the petition of S. W. McMahon, and the Memorial & Remonstrance of John Bennock and others, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Knowlton, laid on the table, and ordered that two hundred and fifty copies of said report & memorial be printed for the use of the Legislature.
A Communication from the Governor, informing both branches of the Legislature, of the resignation of Major General James Burbank of the Sixth Division, and that a vacancy now exists in said Division. Read and sent down.
Communication from the Governor, transmitting the report of Silas Barnard Esq. Agent, appointed under the "Resolve for locating a road from Brighton to Moosehead Lake"; and also the report of Moses True Esq. Agent, appointed under the "Resolve of the fourth of March last past, for laying out a road, connecting the Baring and Houlton Road, with the United States Military Road", severally read and referred to the