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On Banks & Banking.[underlined] Petition of William D Williamson for a Bank at Bangor - - of James Thomas & others for a Bank at Bangor -

On Incorporation of Towns.[underlined] Petition of John Agry & others to incorporate that part of Hallowell on the west side of Kennebec river into a town by name of Hallowell Port. - of Eben Sawyer & als of township No 8 in 9th range to be incorp. by name of Elliotsville - - of Nathan Preston Jr that No 14 in Wash. County may be made into a town - - of Moses Goodwin & others to be incorporated by the name of Mariaville - - of Samuel Andrews & others to be incorporated into a town -

On State Lands.[underlined] Petition of Massachusetts Agricultural Society for a grant of land.

On Public Buildings[underlined] Report on Resolve for the removal of the seat of Government.

On State Roads.[underlined] Petition of P. Soule & others for a State Road through Somerset County.

On Parishes.[underlined] Petition of the first Universal Society in Fryeburg to repeal their act of incorporation -

On so much of Governor's Message as relates to Pauperism.[underlined] Bill to provide for the employment & maintenance of the Poor -

On Interior Fisheries.[underlined] Petition of John Baker & others for the removal of obstructions in Crooked River Bill additional to an Act to regulate the taking of Fish in Sebasticook River in the town of Clinton.

On Claims.[underlined] Petition of Samuel Moulton for allowance on payments for land - of Hall Clements for an allowance on account of injury from not being paid promptly for making Canada Road - of Thomas C Jones for services to the State as Deputy Sheriff. - of John Bent to be paid for publishing laws in Northern Light. Resolve relative to the Bond to the State signed by Daniel Cony and others.

On Division of Towns.[underlined] Petition of Benjamin Holbrook & others of Starks to be annexed to Mercer - - of Henry Dodge & others of Montville to be annexed to Freedom - of