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Saturday, January 17th 1835

Met according to adjournment

A communication was received from the Governor dated January 15 1835 transmitting an offer from Benjamin Brown Esqr of a site for an Insane Hospital and of six thousand dollars in money for the purpose of aiding in the endowment of such an Institution - and it was referred in concurrence with the Senate to the Committee on so much of the Governor's message as relates to an Insane Hospital.

The order moved yesterday by Mr Pillsbury of Bucksport in relation to the protection of Fish in Penobscot River &c came from the Senate amended for concurrence and the House concurred.

Bill - authorizing the United States of America to take and hold lands within this State for the purpose of erecting Lighthouses thereon - was read a second time & Monday next at 11 o clock assigned for a 3rd reading

On motion by Mr Shaw of Wiscasset, Ordered, That - be a Committee of this House to take into consideration the subject of our North Eastern Boundary, with leave to report &c and Messrs Shaw of Wiscasset, Lord of Kennebunk, Humphrey of Gray, Dumont of Hallowell, Jarvis of Ellsworth, Foster of Pembrok, Steward of Anson Parris of Buckfield, Cony of Orono & Gordon of Belfast were appointed said Committee.

On motion by Mr Phelps of Fairfield

Ordered, That - be a committee with such