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Peleg Sprague, and also that the Legislature have in like manner elected said John Ruggles a Senator to represent this State in the Senate of the United States for six years from the third day of March next; and that the Governor be requested to furnish him with the necessary credentials of his elections as aforesaid to enable him to take his seat in the Senate of the United States - and the House passed the same in concurrence with the Senate.

On motion by Mr Dumont of Hallowell Ordered that a message be sent to the Governor requesting him to return to this House Resolve for the purchase and distribution of Fairfields Reports - and Resolve in favor of the Passamaquoddy Indians provided he has not affixed his signature thereto - and the Clerk having communicated the message, the Secretary of State came in & laid said Resolves upon the Speakers table, when on motion by Mr Holmes of Alfred, they were severally amended by adding the words "State of Maine" thereto, before the titles thereof - and the Clerk was charged with a message to request the concurrence of the Senate therewith.

Bill - authorizing the United States of America to take and hold lands within this State for the purpose of erecting Light Houses thereon, was called up and on motion of Mr Holmes of Alfred amended as on slip annexed thereto marked A and then on motion of Mr Washburn the Bill was ordered to lie on the table.

On motion by Mr Abbott of Vassalboro. Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire whether any alterations are necessary in the laws relating to Pounds and impounded