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Thursday January 22nd 1835.

Met according to adjournment.

Petition of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, praying for aid, was read & referred to the Committee on Literature. Sent up for concurrence.

A message came from the Senate informing the House that the Senate had concurred in receding from the vote by which the Resolve in favor of the Passamaquoddy Indians- & Resolve for the purchase of Fairfields Reports - were passed to be engrossed & finally passed, and concurred in the amendments proposed by the House, and nonconcurred in the final passage of the same and ordered the Resolves to be reengrossed and requesting the concurrence of the House - and the House concurred also informing the House that the Senate had reconsidered their vote finally passing, & passing to be engrossed "Resolve relative to the election of Senators" and had amended the same, & ordered the same to be reengrossed, and requesting the concurrence of the House and the House concurred.

Petition of the town of Surry came from the Senate that body nonconcurring the House in their reference of the same to the committee on the Division of Counties & referring the same to the Committee on the Judiciary & requesting the concurrence of the House - The House insist upon their reference of this petition on the 20th instant & nonconur the Senate in their reference.

An order came from the Senate instructing the committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of purchasing, for the use of the State, a suitable number