From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
�some of your Apples and sider to eat and drink we have got a new Capt our old wone has resined and gon home our Capt name is Fitch Colum how is Atta and Tiger now we [stricken] tel Atta to kis mother for me [something stricken] Colum tell Say that I got letter from her and hellen and Carrie you tel them to write againe and I wil write to them we have aboyht fore inches of snow hear and cold withe hear Colum [something stricken] you must take care of Grandfarthe if he is ugly tell F'arther and mother to Write [line separating] Good Day F'rom your Brother. T. P Baker. Co D 20the Regt Maine Vol Mr. Columbus T. Baker South Solon Maine