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343 endments and further amend the Bill and pass same to be engrossed as thus amended - The House recede from from their former votes relative to the Bill so far as to adopt the further amendments of the Senate and pass the same to be engrossed as thus further amended in concurrence with the senate sent up for concurrence

Resolve for the benefit of Common Schoos and primary Institutions as taken in a new draft was read a third time and passed to be engrossed sent up for concurrence

Resolve in favour of Sewall Watson was read a second time and passed to be engrossed sent up for concurrence

On motion of Mr Small of Momouth Ordered that the committee on leave of absence be directed to make up further reports this session read and accepted

Bill to incorporate the Gruniel Fates Suiceway Company in a pany in a new Draft was read and indefinitely postponed in concurrence with the senate sent up