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The Captains and Subalterns of the first Regiment will assemble at Jacob Smith's tavern, at the Crossroads in Hallowell the 20. day of April next, at 2 o'clock P.M. to elect a Lieut. Colo. Commandant, in the room of Lt. Colo. Com'd. Fairbanks, whose resignation has been accepted -- and to fill such other vacancies of Field Officers in said Regiment, as may then exist. Colo. Fairbanks is requested to preside, and make return of the officers-elect.

The noncommissioned officers and matrosses of the Company of Artillery at Hallowell, will assemble at Sewall's tavern in said Hallowell, the 10. day of April next at 2 o'clock P.M. to elect a Captain in the room of Captain Bowman, who has been permitted to resign -- and to fill such other vacancies of Commissioned Officers as may then exist in said Company. Major Fillebrown will please to preside and make return of the election.

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