IX now under contract, and will be finished early in the ensuring season. The militia law of the last year appears to have produced the most beneficial effects. It has excited among our young men, a spirit of honorably emulation, and has removed, in a degree, the causes of discontent, which have heretofore existed in the community upon this subject. The annual report of the Adjutant General, will be communicated at an early period of your session, and will exhibit the condition of the effective military force of the State. Upon the subject of the North Eastern Boundary, which is still kept in controversy by the claims of the British Government, I have received no information, since my first communication to the last Legislature. The vacancy which has for some time existed in the representation of the Federal Government at the Court of Great Britain, has, no doubt, had the effect to delay the settlement of this interesting question. It is hoped, however, that the time is not distant, when the embarrassments, which have so long weighed upon the general prosperity of this valuable section of our State will be removed. The report of the Treasurer will in due time be laid before you, by which you will be furnished with a detailed statement of the fiscal concerns of the State. It will become necessary, during your present session, to elect a Senator to represent this State in the Congress of the United States, for six years from the third day of March next. In conclusion, Gentlemen, I will only add, that I shall cordially cooperate with you in any measures, which may have for their object to unite the people in mutual confidence, and to perpetuate