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25 Granite Company, Frankfort, Bill to incorporate 185,212. Greene, Bill to set off a tract of land from, to Lewiston, 150,196,213,248. Greene, Charles, chosen Senator, 19, notified 19, qualified 29. " " permitted to address the Senate in a sitting posture 128. " " daily pay of, 289. " " leave of absence, 289. " Roscoe G. chosen Secretary of State 21, notified 22, acceptance 54. Greenleaf's Reports, Resolve providing for the purchase and distribution of 132,142,167. " and Fairfield's Reports, Resolve authorizing the Secretary of State to furnish the Adjt. Gen. with, 229,229,298. Grover, Edsil, Resolve in favor of 294,299,307. Guardians of Insane persons, Bill authorizing the Supreme Judicial Court to grant leave to make conveyance of real estate in certain cases, 92,97,122. Gunhouse in Brunswick, Resolve for the repair of, 101,107,123. " in Norridgewock, Resolve for the erection of 241,247,307. " in Paris, Resolve for the purchase of a site for 163,168,193. " in Wiscasset, Resolve for the repair of, 252,258,307. Gunpowder, Bill to regulate the storage, safe keeping and transportation of, in the City of Bangor 215,222,236. Grove, Forest, Cemetery, Bill to incorporate 117,134,152,155,157,167.

H Hallowell, town of, Bill establishing a Municipal Court in 96,131,134,143. " " Bill additional requiring the use of Broad rimmed wheels in 125,134,142,167. " Ferry Company, Bill in addition to an Act incorporating 80,84,103.