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�of the separation. In consequence of our affirming these obligation, our Commissioner has obtained from the tribe a release in favor of Massa- -chusetts of all claims arising from any treaty against that Common- -wealth. By the constitution given to the act by the Executive of this State, Maine is bound to deliver this release to Massachusetts and discharge her from the obligations of her treaty when she is prepared to perform the stipulations, which constitute the consideration. This appears to be a reasonable and equitable construction, especially when connec- -ted with the preceding article, which provides that every description of property, which is not particularly specified in the First, second and third, shall be held by Massachusetts as a fund to indemnify her against all claims, of whatever description, specifically including In- -dian subsidies. If this fund proves insufficient, one third of the deficien- -cy is a charge on Maine. The particular provisions made for Indian subsidies, in the fourth article seems to imply that Massachusetts will continue to pay them on the terms of that article until the arrange- -ment is completed which is contemplated by the fifth. [line] With respect I am Secy VC (signed) Arthur Ware