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�the said Commonwealth of Massachusetts to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as it regards said indenture last mentioned with the said tribe of Indians, so that all and singular, the lands, rights, immunities or privileges whatsoever, which said Commonwealth of Massachusetts did, might or could hold, possess, exercise and enjoy, under or by virtue of said indenture, or treaty or by any other indenture, treaty or agreement whatsoever, shall be held possessed, exercised and enjoyed in as full and ample a manner by said State of Maine ---

And the undersigned Commis- -sioner, on his part, in behalf of said State of Maine, in consideration of the promises of said Tribe, do here- by covenant with said tribe, that they shall have and enjoy, all the reservations made to them by virtue of said treaty of the twenty ninth of June eighteen hundred and eighteen -- And the under signed Commissioner in behalf of said State of Main, does hereby further covenant and agree with said tribe, that, as soon as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, shall have made and fulfilled the stipulations on her part to be done and perform- -ed, under and by virtue of the fifth article of an act relating to the separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts, [?], and forming the same into a separate and independent State passed June the nineteenth eight hundred and nineteen