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You know I am always admonishing, reproving, advising , or, in some way, trying to influence your conduct. I believe I have overdone [underlined] my duty, + have not, perhaps, left you enough to follow your notions of right + wrong. At any rate, my son, I think, you are now old enough to depend more [underlined] on your own judgement, and it is my determination not to attempt to restrain you so much in time to come as I have done heretofore. You shall be left to choose your own paths to walk in. You shall select your own objects of pursuit.You shall have, in [underlined] me [underlined], no hindrance, no restriction, while your course shall be honorable, but a true + faithful + affectionate father + friend, to whom you may always apply most freely for all the instruction which his limited wisdom + experience can give you, as long as he lives. Now, Zadoc, your return, here,shall be an era in our lives, a starting point for a different line of practice, so far as our duties to each other are concerned, from what we have hitherto [underlined] followed. You shall no longer, when you look towards me, fear to meet the angry frown of disapprobation. You shall no more hesitate [underlined] whether you will do this [underlined] thing, or that [underlined], on account of suiting your ways to my [underlined] preference. You shall feel that you are more a [underlined] man [underlined], + your [underlined] own [underlined] man [underlined], - responsible for your own acts, + for their effect upon your reputation + happiness. I believe you have good natural abilities,