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�the said Major Paul Merritt, being called to come into Court, did not appear & answer wereupon the Court proceeded, exparte, & agreeably to law, considered him guilty of the charges exhibited against him, & are of opinion that he be removed from office & adjudged incapable of holding any military commission under this Commonwealth for & during the term of three years." The Commander in chief approves of the said sentence & orders that the Courtmartial be dissolved.

                          By order of the Commander in chief.
                          Wm. Donnison, Adjutant Genl.

Division Orders, 8. Division, Augusta, May 6. 1802

   Major General Sewall enjoins a due attention to the several important objects contained in the foregoing orders, particular to that which relates to the duty of Select companies; and directs that the said orders be distributed throughout the Division & read to each company at its first meeting after the receipt hereof.
                               H: Sewall, M. Gen.

Division Order, 8. Division- Augusta, July 20. 1802.

   The militia of the eighth Division will be assembles by regiments the present year, for review, inspection & discipline at such times within the periods herein mentioned as Brigadier General Wood and Chandler shall respectively order. The reviews in the 1. Brigade to commence on the last day of August next & proceed in daily succession until the same shall be completed. Those in the 2. Brigade to take place between the 13. and 25. days of September next. The several select companies will be assembled with the