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�The Major-General approves the foregoing sentence and orders the vacancy thereby produced to be filled without delay. The Courtmartial is dissolved.

                                                        H: Sewall M.Gen.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. General Orders, Headquarters. 23 February 1802.

   On the petition of sundry inhabitants of the town of Sidney in the second Brigade of the eighth Division approved by the Brigadier-General of said Brigade, praying that the Company of Militia in said town may be divided and formed into two separate Companies according to certain limits and lines mentioned in said petition the Commander in Chief having taken the advice of Council thereon orders that said Company be divided and formed into two disparate and distinct Companies agreeably to the lines limits and branch states in said petition.
                         By order of the Commander in Chief
                                    Wm. Donnison, Adjt. Genl.

Division Orders eighth Division

                     Augusta, March 12 1802.
   The line of division for forming two Companies in the town of Sidney pursuant to the foregoing Orders will begin at the north side of the town on the line between the second & third ranges of lots thence running southerly in the line between the second & third ranges until it comes between lots No. 57 & 58. Thence