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�Ladies' College Hospital, Halifax, N. S. December 15, 1917

From: State Surgeon, Maine National Guard.

To: The Adjutant General, Maine National Guard.

Subject: Payment of Volunteer Nurses in the Halifax Disaster.

1. The doctors and nurses from Waterville returned home this morning. They will have served nine days by the time they arrive home.

2. The official secretary of American Red Cross sent down a communication in which he gave a Schedule of Rate of payment for various services rendered in emergency. It seems the National Red Cross Association has a fixed schedule of rates.

3. We informed him that all the State of Maine services which had been furnished, had been furnished as voluntary services and that there would be no payroll submitted for payment to the Red Cross Association either for doctors or nurses.

4. I am submitting for your consideration and I hope approval the suggestions that a cheque for Twenty-five Dollars be sent to - Miss Catharine O'Brien - Waterville Miss Anne Dunn " [Waterville] Miss Helen Quinn " [Waterville] Miss Elisabeth Russell " [Waterville]

I think it should be sent them if the Governor in Council will vote it, not as payment for their services, but as a mark of appreciation from the state for having volunteered during this disaster.

Gilbert W. Elliott, Major, Medical Corps, N.G.