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[Imprinted letterhead at top center:] 447 Marlborough St.

May 21 / 34

Dear Mrs. Eckstorm,

Thanks as always, for your going to your t'writer [sic]. Its fun to have you hitting it along. Incid'ly [sic] someone gave me big mountains for mattanawcook, & awkook is kettle & there is a round kettling hill just north of the lake.

You mention Mattaseunk as with Mattawamkeag, but it is a stream down from north, parallel with Penobs. & not far away from it [two superscribed]; empties 2 miles above Mattawamkeags mouth, into Penobs. No contour sheet; but what I get from flat maps hunches toward the long string in Rasles of Mats -, all meaning bad, my English/Ind. Rasles gets them (the mats-) all in a list. A long straight dead water shows now, per a dam I assume, & the look of everything gives me, as a woodsman, a poor feeling.

After we talked Wiscasset & my mind sat up again, it came back that