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[Entire page struck through with two pencilled diagonals:]

Neptune had medals given his father by Congress for aiding the Americans in the Revolution. His father must have been the Col. John Neptune mentioned in Baxter Mss. [The following phrase all struck through:] No- Gov. Francis Joseph Neptune of Quoddy. d. 1834

1888. This fall Sebattis Mitchell added something more concerning the old Governor. He said that he died at the age of 95 and that his death was hastened by an exploit performed under a delusion. One night he fancied that he was camping out and being cold got up and made a fire of his straw bed in the corner of his room. The smoke nearly stifled him and he died soon after. In speaking of him Sebattis said " Most ways old age he go so" - bending his fingers, "old gov'ner always straight jus' like young man."

In Leland's Algonquin Legends pg 345 Maria Sauhees is represented as saying that the old governor was a great magician "m't'oulin"; got it among the Chippewas; tells some of his wonder-working. No truth in it (Lemy 1888) But Clara Neptune says so 1913 -

1915/14 old Clara (Mitchell) Neptune told me the same story about Gov. Neptune being m't'oulin; notes of same in flyleaf of Leland's Legends. Also told about Maria Sauhees a strange tale - Clara says "he could do most anything," got it with M'ikmucks (Maria Sauhees said Chippewa)