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44. [Governors message] be increased; as this State furnishes an unusual number of sites, where water power can be applied with advantage, I suggest for your consideration, whether there would not be a propriety and sound policy in exempting all such manufacturing establishments, as are or may be located within this State, as far as the principles of the Constitution will admit, from every species of taxation for a considerable term of time. Some such encouragement the manufacturing interest at this time requires. If yielded, the State will no doubt find itself amply indemnified by the increase of capital and a large accession of respectable inhabitants. The fisheries of our coast, bays, and rivers are so connected the one with the other, and are an interest so important to the people, that they will require your particular attention. The laws enacted for their regulation differ so materially, that it may be well doubted, whether all their provisions are calculated to promote the public good, and whether in some instances the views of individuals and sections of country have not been too much consulted. The lands belonging to the State will also deserve your attention. Should a system be adopted for their management, calculated to prevent speculation, at the same time giving every encouragement to the real settler, the expectations of the best friends of Maine will be fully realized in an extended cultivation and an increased number of inhabitants. The system, which has hitherto been pursued, you will probably think has little to recommend it for further experiment. The inconveniences and embarrassments, which