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[1823 February 7.]

Court came up, and the House indefinitely postpone the subject: The Senate reconsider their former vote by which they passed the Bill to be engrossed and thereby concur with the House. -

[Resolve to appoint an Agent on the Claims upon the U. States]

Resolve authorizing the appointment of an agent to represent the claims of this State upon the United States for expenses incurred by Massachusetts during the late war, was read and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the House. -

On motion of Mr. Dennett, ordered that when the Senate adjourn, they adjourn to seven olcock this evening. -

[Bill to assess a tax on this State]

Bill to apportion and assess on this State a tax of Forty thousand three hundred, thirty one dollars and sixty four cents, which had been amended and sent down for concurrence, came up concurred. -

Adjourned to seven oclock P.M. -

Evening Session.

[Committee to form rules & regulations for the State Prison]

On motion of Mr. Dennett, Ordered that Messrs. Dennett and Green be a Committee with such as the House may join, to enquire into the expediency of appointing a Committee to prepare rules and regulations for the government of the State Prison; and also examine the criminal Jurisprudence of the State, and report by Bill on the subject to the next Legislature: sent down for concurrence: came up concurred and Messrs. Elden, Adams, and