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[Resolves passed]

Also Resolve in favor of the messengers of the Legislature and certain other officers, Resolve granting compensation to the Chaplain of the Senate and Chaplains of the House of Representatives, and Resolve for the payment of accounts against the State, and they were severally passed. -

[Order for notice to James M. Rogers]

On motion of Mr. Dennett, ordered that half past four oclock this afternoon be the time assigned for hearing the answer of James M Rogers to the charges against him for his removal from all the offices he holds under the authority of this State; and that the Secretary of the Senate notify the said Rogers or his attorney of the same. -

Pursuant to the above order Thomas A. Deblois Esquire, the Council for James M. Rogers was duly notified of the time assigned for hearing the answer of the said Rogers, and he gave for answer that he should not appear: Whereupon the Senate so far reconsidered their former vote by which they assigned the time for hearing said answer, as to take up the subject at the present time. -

The House of Representatives having passed an address to the Governor and Council for the removal of James M. Rogers from all civil and Military offices he now holds under this State, and sent the same to the Senate for concurrence, it was read, and the said Rogers not appearing