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[1823 January 16]

and tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a second reading: committed in the second reading. -

[Bill regulating the fishery in the River St. Croix]

Bill regulating the taking of fish in the river St. Croix and its branches, passed to be engrossed and sent down for concurrence. came up rejected by the House; and the Senate recede from their vote by which they passed the Bill to be engrossed. -

[Resolve confirming the doings of the town of Wilton]

Resolve confirming the doings of the town of Wilton, passed to be engrossed, and sent down for concurrence, came up concurred. -

[Report on Petition]

Report of the committee on the petition of David Prince & others, which had been read and accepted and sent down for concurrence, came up nonconcurred; and the Senate recede from their vote by which they accepted the report, and committed the subject to Messrs. Witham, Usher and Steele with such as the House many join: sent down for concurrence, and came up concurred, and Messrs. Prime, Parker, Drummond, Curtis and Dascomb were joined. -

[Message from the Governor]

The Secretary of State came in & laid on the table a written message from the Governor, which was read and referred to the Joint Committee on so much of the Governor's message as relates to the Militia; sent down for concurrence. -

[Resolve passed to be engrossed]

Resolve in favor of Samuel Emerson and