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[1823 January 16]

next, and that the Governor be requested to furnish that gentleman with the credentials necessary to entitle him to his seat in that body from and after the time aforesaid.


At twelve oclock the two Houses met in convention agreeably to assignment for the purpose of qualifying Jonathan Farrar Esquire a Counsellor elect for the current year, who came in and took and subscribed the oaths required by the constitution to qualify him to enter upon the duties of his office. -

[Bill to divide the State into Districts]

Bill to divide the State into districts for the choice of Representatives to Congress and prescribing the mode of election, was read a second time and passed to be engrossed; sent down for concurrence.

[Bills read once]

The following Bills, passed in the House, to be engrossed, came up for concurrence, viz. Bill to incorporate the Kennebunk Manufacturing company. - Bill to incorporate Hermon Lodge. - Bill to authorize the sale of Ministerial and school lands in Anson; - and Bill to incorporate Alna Lodge, and they were severally read once, and tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for their second reading: - Comitted [committed] in the second reading. -

The committee appointed in pursuance of a Resolve of the 8th of February 1822 author-