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William King,

Governor of the State of Maine,

To all to whom these Presents may come,


[to the left of the following paragraph is a circle with the word "Seal." underlined inside it and "William King" written under it]

Be it known, That William Moody, Joshua Wingate, Junior, Elisha Allen, William Chadwick, Samuel Tucker, Lemuel Trescott, Joshua Gage, Josiah Prescott, and Levi Hubbard, Esquires, were, on the sixth day of November, now current, elected, in conformity with the existing laws, Electors of President and Vice President of the United States of America, for the State Maine; said Electors not being Senators or Representatives in Congress, and to our knowledge not holding any office of trust or profit under said United States; and they are duly authorized to give their votes, at Portland, on Wednesday the sixth day of December next, for one person to be President, and for one other person to be Vice President of the United States, for the term of four years, commencing with the fourth of March next. And on their assembling, at said Portland, for the purpose aforesaid, if it shall appear that any of the above mentioned Electors are absent fro whatever cause, those who shall be there assembled, are authorized to fill all such vacancies, by the votes of the majority of the Electors present, by a choice from the citizens of the State at large; and the persons, so elected, shall have the same authority in giving their votes for President and Vice President, as the Electors whose names are abovewritten.

Given under the Seal of the State, at Portland, this twenty second day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and twenty; and in the forty fifth year of the Independence of the United States of America.

By the Governor,

Ashur Ware, Secretary of State