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To His Excelency Israel Washburn Governor and Commander in Chief of the Militia of the State of Maine

We the undersigned Citizens of Brewer and Bangor respectfully represent that Cyrus A. Washburn of said Brewer now a Gunner in Company C. in 2nd Regiment M.V.M. is we think a suitable person for the Lieutenantcy in the Hamlin Flying Battery of Capt James Swett now being formed in Brewer. Would ask your Excelency to have him relieved from duty in 2nd Maine and transferred to said Hamlin Battery in consideration of the position he has held in 2nd Maine which we think would be for the interest of said militia and in duty bound would ever pray

         Names                                    Residence

W. H Miller Bangor Jason Weeks " Charles Miller " W.P Wingate " Geo. Jewett " Jefferson Chamberlain " G. H. Blake " N. Wilson Orono C. P. Brown Bangor L H Pickering " A O [?] " C G Stevens Brewer E. P. Baldwin Bangor Thomas Mason " John Stickney " Robert Perkins Brewer Thos F. Rowe Brewer D B Doane " Francis G Arey " Saml P. Hersey Bangor W W Doane " A. Robinson " Emerson Bachelder " Gilbert Soule " S W Dawns " Chas E. Dole " N [?] Bangor Davis N Stockwell " Isiah Stetson " James Deering " Wm Morgan Brewer M.F. Hopkins "