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Rooms of Maine Camp Relief Association Stoneman's Station, near Falmouth [Virginia]. February 26th, 1863.

Mr. G. W. Dyer,


Situated as we are near the encampment of the 20th Maine, and knowing that there exists a certain anxiety, in your vicinity, in regard to this Regiment and also having every opportunity for obtaining information concerning its sanitary condition, as well as a thorough acquaintance with the officers in command, also, certain circumstances having come under my observation recently, which clearly indicates to me that it is my imperative duty to communicate with you in regard to the matter, although I must request to have it confidential, as far as my name is concerned. I am aware that many would say that it is no part of the duty of a lady to interfere in these matters, but if I know my duty, I think it is, to look after the interests of our sick men and when I know them to be maltreated and abused I feel it a duty to make it known, more especially as I learn there