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To the Governor of the State of Maine

The undersigned, Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, would respect- fully answer to the question, which the Governor was pleased to propound to them on the 17th instant, that if it has been made to appear to the executive of this state, that a person charged with the commission of treason, felony, or other crime in any other state, has fled from justice there, and is found in this state, and a demand has been duly made by the executive authority of the offended state upon the executive of this state, for the delivery over of such fugitives, in our judgment it becomes his duty to cause the party so charged to be delivered over, in the manner provided by the second section of the act, providing for the appointment of agents for demanding and receiving fugitives from justice, although he may be a citizen of this state.

    And we are further of opinion, that

whether a crime has been committed or not, depends upon the laws of the state, preferring the charge and making the demand. If therefore the fugitive is charged with larceny in taking from that state a negro slave, and in such an act is made