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�in July being the s7' day of July next which was agreed to -- Then Voted to adjourn this meeting to Tuesday the 2d day of July next Then to meet at the Coffee House in Boston at 7 OClock P.M. and said meeting is adjourned accordingly

                                                      John Avery P. Clerk

Tuesday July 2d 1782 the Proprietors of a certain Tract of Land Laying in the late Province of Maine holden under the Will of Bridget Phillips late of Boston deceased met According to adjournment at the Coffee House in Boston Present Hon'ble William Phillips Esq Moderator His Honor Thomas Cushing Esq SN William Powell, SN Jona Mason Col Josiah Waters

Voted that agents be appointed to appear the 7th July Inst before the Hon'ble Jedediah Prebble. Jonathan Greenleaf, David Sewall Esq and John Lewis + William Lithgow Esq a Committee appointed by the General Court to exhibit the Claims of the Proprietors Land holden under Bridget Phillips and to Support the Same and that the Hon'ble Jeremiah Powell Esq and Josiah Waters jun or either of them be and they hereby are appointed Agents for this Purpose and that the Committee be and hereby are Authorized, empowered and requested to quiet Such Persons as have set down and made Improvements on the Prop'tors Land by executing in the Name and behalf of the Proprietors Deeds of bargain and take with warranty against all persons claiming under Us or our Heirs to all such settlers of such Tracts of Lands as they have made Improvement upon not exceeding one hundred Acres to any one Settler: upon their paying