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�reported with an amendment from A to B which was read + accepted and is as follows --

At a legal meeting of the Proprietors holding Land in the County of York under Bridget Phillips late of Boston deceased on the 21st day of September 1782

    Whereas the said Proprietors together with

The Proprietors of Land in the same County under the Title of Nicholas Shapleigh have agreed to Submit the Limits of their several Claims to the Determination of Jedediah Prebble and others a Committee appointed by the General Court to enquire into the the unappropriated Land of the State and the said Committee have reported that a part of a Township called Shapleigh Town Laid out and settled by the said Proprietors holding Lands under Nicholas Shapleigh hath fallen within the Claim of this Propriety and whereas Application hath been made by Benjamin Chadbourn and James Sullivan Esq Agents to the said Shapleigh Proprietors to purchase the Same for the Consideration of Sixty pounds which bargain and sale is recommended by said Committee - Therefore Voted that this Propriety so give, grant and release to the said Shapleighs Town which Lies to the Northward of a Line drawn (A) Northwest from the Northern Corner of Sanford to Little Ossipee River (B) with the Privilege and apputenances to them their Heirs and assign person -- Provided Never the less if the said Proprietors holding under Nicholas Shapleigh shall not within three months from the Time lodge with the Clerk of this Propriety sufficient Security for the Payment of the said Sixty pounds within one year from this Time -- This Grant shal be Null + Void.

Voted that John Avery jun + Col Josiah Waters be a Committee to agree and settle with the Hon'ble Benja Chadbourne and James Sullivan Esq Agents to the Shapleigh Propriety the Boundaries of the Land set off by the Phillips Propriety to the said Shapleighs