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�laid out near the middle thereof, leaving suitable + convenient Roads to be four Rods wide; and that a plan thereof be returned to the Proprietors

 Voted that the Hon Nath Sparhawk and

David Sewal Esq be empowered to settle the Lines with the propritors under Mohegins Deed and with the proprietors of Box Hall

 Voted that this meeting be further adjourned

till the 2 Monday in August next

The following is a letter from a number of the Proprietors to the Clerk requesting him to call a meeting

                                                 Boston December 7 1770


    We the subscribers Proprietors of a Tract of Land

Lying in the Province of Maine, holding under the Will of Bridget Phillips late of Boston deceased, desire you would advertize a meeting of the Proprietors of said Land assoon as may be for the following Purpose

    To raise money to defray such charges as said Proprietors

have been and may be at; and to chuse officers for asepting + collecting the same

    To grant such Tract or Tracts to Settlers to those upon

such Conditions + Limitations as shall be appointed

    To determine upon what Encouragement the Proprietors

will give toward the Settlement of one or more Townships

    To appropriate any Quantity of Land within such

Townships as are already laid out or may hereafter be laid out, for particular purposes.

    To authorize some person or persons to settle the Bounda-

-ries with such person or proprietors as own Land con- -tiguous to any part of said Propriety

    To appoint one or more persons to admit Settlers as

shall from time to time be though necessary in the Name and Behalf of said Proprietors

    To appoint an Agent or Agents to prosecute Trespassers

and do such other matters as shall be thought to be advan -tageous We are sir your humble Servants Mr Saml Adams Wm Phillips Advisory[?] Clerk to the Proprietors Abigail Bromfield above named SN Brown

                                               Dan Marsh
                                                 Lyers to Bev Thos Sheppard
                                              Joseph Warren a doctor to the
                                                   Chale[?] of Hash[?] Wheelwright
                                              Edward Lad Landry
                                              Thomas Cushing