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Hancock. -

Pearl Spofford. John Sargent.


Joel Wellington. Joshua Lord. Peleg Sprague. Ambrose Howard. Samuel Redington. Robert Fletcher.


John Burgin. Jabez Mowrey. William Emerson. Joseph Adams.


Henry Rust junr. Peter C Virgin.


Ebenezer Coburn. George Bixby.


Benjamin Nourse. Jackson Davis.

Nays 44.

Sent up for concurrence.

[number of Representatives to be returned to the next Legislature -]

The order that was sent to the Senate yesterday requesting that body to join a Committee of this House appointed 29 Jany to determine the number of Representatives which ought to be returned at the next election of Represensentatives [Representatives] came down nonconcurred.

Ordered That a message be sent to the House of Representatives requesting their concurrence in