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concur in the amendments proposed by the House of Representatives in the 2nd Section as taken into a new draft, but in other respects at F & G the Senate insist on their former vote. Sent down. The House vote to adhere to their vote of 12th instant nonconcurring the amendments proposed by the Senate at F & G.

[Bill - respecting Executors &c &c &c]

Bill "respecting Executors, Administrators and Guardians and the conveyance of Real Estate in certain cases. Read a first and second time & tomorrow at 9 oclock assigned for a third Reading.

[Bills - Enacted.]

Committee on engrossed Bills report as duly engrossed "An Act concerning Dower." "An Act to provide for the Inspection of Hops for exportation." "An Act to prevent damage from firing Crackers, Squibs, Serpents and Rockets within this State.: "An Act to prohibit certain officers of Courts from buying notes and other demands for the purpose of making gain in the collection thereof." "An Act against selling unwholesome provisions." "An Act to change the name of the Town of Arundel." "An Act against Sodomy & Bestiality." "An Act to cede to the United States of America the jurisdiction of part of the Beach at the mouth of Kennebunk River" which were passed to be enacted. Adjourned to tomorrow at 9 oclock. Attest, J. Loring Child Clerk.