Militia of this State" when after adopting various amendments the House Adjourned to half past two o'clock this afternoon.
Attest J Loring Child Clerk
Afternoon Met according to adjournment.
[Vacancy in Committee filled]
Mr Rollins of Nobleboro is substituted on the Committee who have under consideration the Bill "relative to the Salaries of Judges of Probate" instead of Mr Burr of Litchfield who has obtained leave of absence.
[Leave of absence -]
Mr Johnson of Belfast has leave of absence after tomorrow and Mr Lord of Ellsworth after Monday next, during the remainder of the Session.
[Bill - Militia]
The House again resumed the consideration of the Bill "to organize, govern, and discipline the Militia of this State when several further amendments were adopted and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a third Reading of the Bill.