time and passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Report - of Committee of Conference on Apportionment of Representatives &c]
Committee on part of the House appointed to confer with a Committee on the part of the Senate on the difference between the the two Houses relative to apportionment of Representation &c report that the House recede from their former vote and concur with the Senate. Ordered to lie on the table.
[Resolve - apportioning Representatives &c]
Resolve for apportionment of Representation on the several Classes &c" came down from the Senate endorsed as follows - viz.
In Senate March 20 1821 The Senate adhere to their former vote: and also, continue to adhere to their former vote agreeably to the accompanying Report of their Committee. Sent down for concurrence. The House recede from their former vote and concur with the Senate in passing this Resolve to be engrossed. The question of concurrence was decided by yeas and nays as follows: 47 yeas & 38 nays - to wit
Joseph McLellan. James Irish. Toppan Robie
Stephen Parsons. Josiah Stebbins.
Samuel Little. Samuel Whitney. Pearl Spofford