[Resolve - tax on Counties -]
Resolve laying a tax on the several Counties, was read twice & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - additional - Militia]
Bill additional to an act to organize, govern & discipline the Militia of this State, came from the Senate - that body nonconcurring the House in their amendment, striking out the 4th section - The House adhered to their vote & sent up the Bill.
[Report - interest on Conf.]
The Committee to whom was referred the Resolve authorizing Justices of the Peace to cast interest in certain cases on Confessions - reported a reference of the subject to the next Legislature - The report was accept & resolve referred accordingly.
[Resolve - purchase of fuel]
Resolve making appropriation for the purchase of fuel (laid on the table by leave of the House) was read twice & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Adjourned until 1/2 past two oclock this afternoon.
Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.
[Resolve - purchase of Greenleafs Reports -]
By leave of the House the following Resolve was laid on the table. Resolve, authorizing the Secretary of State to furnish certain officers with Greenleafs Reports - was read twice & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Report - on accts of Land Agents]
The committee on the accounts of the several land Agents reported a Resolve - the report was accepted.
[Resolve respecting Accts of Land Agents]
Resolve respecting the accounts of Land Agents, was read twice & passed in concurrence with the Senate.
The report of the committee to determine when the Legislature may have a recess which passed this House February