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Index C Committee on roads through public lands, on accounts directed not to receive, after Jan. 30. - rept. 180 on Probate Laws, 114 costs in criminal prosecutions - report of - 116 on purchasing copies of Greenleaf's reports, 117 - on Governor's message relating to appropri. of money &c 77 rep - 118 on place of meeting of next Legislature, 122 on taxing physicians &c 133 on permanent seat of government, 136 on treasurer's bond 139 report 165 on Act respecting Pedlars &c 140 " 175 on Bank returns 145 " 190 on road in Washington Co. to Houlton Planta. 148 " 165 on Gov. message relating to Cong. districts, 142 " 159 on compensation to chaplains &c 161 " 164 on Salaries of Judges of Com. Pleas 162 " 164 On salary of Atty. Genl. - 167

Committes directed to report as soon as may be on subjects committed to them 119 Committees of conference on disagreement of the two Houses on Bill in addition to Sessions Act - 156- 175 " for relief of poor debtors 167 report 171 " to incorporate Buckspt. Minist. Fund - 189 " 193 " in addition to the Act establishing salaries of Sec. of State &c &c 193 " 194 resolve making an allowance for clerk hire to Sec. State, Adjt. Genl. & Tresurer, 196 " 197

Committee to inform Govr. that both Houses are about to adjourn without day 198