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Index M Major General of the 1st Division, vacancy of - notified - 56 " time for choice, assigned -58 choice made - 75, 76 -82, 86 - - 102 Notice thereof to Governor 114 of the 6th Division - vacancy of notified - 138 choice of - 148 149 notice of choice to Gov. - 159 Maps of State - order for procurring three copies 95 Maryland Resolutions - committed 30 - reported 82 Message to Governor that quorum of senate is formed 1 to & from House that each were organized &c 4 Messages and papers &c to and from both Houses, joint order respecting, - 5 Message general of the Governor, to both Houses, 12 referred to various committees, 29, 30 of Governor respecting New Jersey resolutions, 40 " respecting memorial of Washington City 40 Message to House proposing Convention to qualify Governor, 12 " and Counsellors elect 55, 62, 75 - 121 to Governor - informing him of Council qualified - 57, 62, 76, 122 of Governor respecting vacancy in M Genl. 1st Divis. 56 " " " " 6 Divis. 138 of Governor with report of Board of Jurisprudence - 64 " respecting appropriation of money & settlem. of Treasurer of Conventions acct, 77 " respecting Penobscot Indians, 95 " " ceding to U. States jurisdiction of Dennets Island - 96 " " weights and measures - standards - 99 " " Congressional Districts, 142