[14 –] and concur with the House in deferring the choice of those officers until another time be agreed upon.
[1822 Jan. 4] The time assigned for the choice of Chaplain to the Senate having arrived the Senate proceeded to ballot accordingly.
[Chaplain] No person having a majority of votes on the first trial, a second was had, when the whole number of votes was eighteen: of which Rev.d Elijah Kellogg had thirteen, and was declared to be chosen. Mr. Wheeler was appointed to notify him thereof.
Mr. Tallman from the Committee appointed for that purpose reported the following
[Rules and Orders] Rules and Orders to wit I. Every member, when he speaks, shall stand in his place and address the President; and when he has done speaking he shall sit down. And when the President speaks he shall address the board.
II. No member shall speak more than once on one question, to the prevention of any other who has not spoken, and is desirous to speak; nor more than twice without obtaining leave of the Board.
III. No member shall interrupt another while speaking, except to call to order, or to correct a mistake in point of fact.
IV. When the Senate are called to order in the morning the Journal of the preceding day shall be read, and the orders of the day for the assignment of business shall also be read, or stated from the Chair.
V. A motion when seconded, and not before, shall be received and considered; and if desired by the President or any other member, shall be reduced to writing and laid on the table